What I hope to achieve with the Flying High Tour 2024/25
Jenny Lockyer
Jenny Lockyer
Gildy's Day

Hello! This is a part of my website for a completely original, interactive activity, 'Gildy's Day'.
St Martin's CofE Voluntary Aided Schools in Epsom, Surrey, commissioned me to create an online project for children learning at home and working at school. Lots of children have been busy taking part!
If you have come here from somewhere other than St Martin's School you are still very welcome to explore and help Gildy make some helpful choices!
The only things you will need are a few sheets of paper, something to write with, scissors and a cup.
Read below to find out what it's all about
or choose part of Gildy's Day to start!
Gildy's Day is inspired by the St Martin's School values of LOVE, COURAGE, RESPECT, HONESTY,
I've designed Gildy's Day to inspire children to get thinking and problem solving as they help Gildy through a particularly challenging day of lockdown and learning at home.
It is my hope that Gildy's Day can spark conversations between children and their parents and carers about making good choices and doing their best, even if that can be difficult.
It also offers a fun way to encourage children to talk about what they're thinking and feeling about going back to school and the prospect of facing a few more months of lockdown and social distancing.
Gildy's Day is split into three parts, Gildy's Morning, Gildy's Afternoon and Gildy's Evening.
Gildy's Morning is aimed at Y5 and Y6 children, Gildy's Afternoon at Y3 and Y4 and Gildy's Evening at Early Years, Y1 and Y2. However, children are welcome to explore all the different parts of Gildy's Day if they want to!
ADULTS: There are different level challenges across Gildy's Day which enable children to guide Gildy to making good choices. To open up the different parts to all children, you are welcome to set different challenges to suit your child's abilities.
Each part of Gildy's Day has a different page. You can scroll below to find them and start any part of Gildy's Day.
In each part of Gildy's Day it is the children's job to help Gildy make some good choices so he can have as positive a time as possible. Sometimes children can vote for or against different choices, but ultimately even though children can guide Gildy, they can't make decisions for him. His final choice is down to him, AKA the remaining choices being put in a cup and one chosen at random!
Children are introduced to Gildy and watch a video for each part of his day. The videos set the scene and introduce Gildy's frame of mind at that time.
The following choices and activities are laid out beneath the video and all you need to do is follow the instructions.
When children are done they can get busy with some follow-on activities
I am also creating a longer compilation film for Gildy's Day which will bring all the different elements together.
Thank you for visiting and I hope you have fun exploring Gildy's Day!
Gildy's Day has been funded by St Martins CofE Voluntary Aided Schools.
Created, designed and written by Jenny Lockyer.
All characters, original illustrations, films and songs ©Jenny Lockyer 2021
Thank you to Miss Cannon at St Martin's School for all her work to organise Google Meet sessions with all of the children and for commissioning the project.
Thank you to for use of clipart which I have put to good use in the Chocolate Biscuit Song!